• 58 reviews
Reload All Tabs
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Reload All Tabs

Enhance Your Browsing Experience with the Chrome Tab Manager Extension

Boost your business productivity and daily organization with one of the top Chrome extensions available today. The Chrome Tab Manager extension is a game-changer in tab management , designed to streamline your browsing experience and organize your daily life . Backed by an impressive aggregate rating of 4.46 out of 5, it's no wonder why this extension is highly recommended among its users. Let's delve into why this Chrome extension is regarded as an essential tool for organizing daily tasks .

Outstanding Features of The Chrome Tab Manager Extension

The Chrome Tab Manager is not your ordinary Chrome extension. It's a powerful tool that allows you to reload all tabs with just one click or the use of a handy keyboard shortcut, Alt + Shift + R. This feature helps you maintain a fresh browsing experience, which is vital when conducting business or managing your daily schedule.

User Reviews: The Good, The Bad, and The Essential

The majority of users report a positive experience with the Chrome Tab Manager extension, citing its user-friendly interface and efficiency in tab management. "EXCELLENT!!" says Burseblades Barrow, one of the satisfied users. He says he has tried several refresh/reload tabs extensions and this is the only one that worked as advertised.

Steven Musselwhite says it's a "fantastic program that I use daily". However, he points out that an option to 'stagger' the refresh would be beneficial since some websites have issues with multiple tabs being refreshed at the same time.

On the other hand, some users have reported potential drawbacks. Alex Ouk, for example, noticed a slowdown in his browser and computer performance after installing the extension. He suspects it might conflict with other add-ons or contain hidden malware. However, it's essential to point out that this is a single report and not representative of the overall user experience.

Is the Chrome Tab Manager Extension Worth It?

The positive feedback greatly outweighs the negative, making the Chrome Tab Manager extension a worthy addition to your browser. Its user-friendly interface, efficiency, and its potential to boost business productivity through better tab management are compelling selling points.

While it's crucial to evaluate the pros and cons, the Chrome Tab Manager extension's high aggregate rating of 4.46 out of 5 showcases its quality and reliability. Therefore, if you're seeking to organize your daily schedule and enhance your browsing experience, this Chrome extension could just be the tool you need.

Refresh all tabs with one click.

Keyboard shortcut Alt + Shift + R available.

Saves time and improves browsing efficiency

Helps in reloading multiple tabs simultaneously.

User-friendly and easy to operate.

May cause browser lags on heavy websites.

Can accidentally refresh unsaved work.

Not compatible with all webpages.

May consume more system resources.

Limited customization options available.

58 reviews
10 Reviews For This Extension
Burseblades Barrow

EXCELLENT!! I tried several of these refresh/reload tabs extensions and this is the only one that worked as advertised. KUDOS!

René Kästel

use it a lot, great work

Сергей Друзь

I need reload for all tabs excluding the active tab ?

Rayna Kuzio

It's a hit or miss whether it decides to work that day. Plus the options are very limited.

Daniel T

Doesn't seem to work anymore.

Bruno Teixeira - Billy Jow


Steven “Mussels” Musselwhite

Fantastic program that i use daily - but it'd be nice to have an option to 'stagger' the refresh, as some websites have problems with 10+ tabs being refreshed at the same time as an anti-spam/anti DDoS feature.

Alex Ouk

This is very handy. That is, until it STARTED TO SLOW DOWN MY BROWSER AND COMPUTER. The Reload All Tabs extension is ether conflicting with other add-ons, or MALWARE is hidden in this extension. Since this extension reads your browsing activity, it most likely shares the data with malicious organziations. After uninstalling the extension, my computer and browser no longer functioned sluggishly. DO NOT INSTALL.

Danielle Rodriguez

Simple, easy to use and the keyboard shortcut is really handy too

Stephen Kroll

works great. sometimes I access a website that I can log-in-to for additional functionality, and don't login, but I open additional tabs at the site. I then later on want to login to read comment in the forums. This extension allows me to log-in-to one tab, and then do a reload all tabs, to refresh all the tabs so I am logged in to all of them.

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